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Yes, I Want To Map My Method!
Hi, big-hearted visionary!
Looking at all the six & seven-figure business owners wondering how they’ve created the offers they’re known for that create such powerful results for their people (and bank for them) over and over again.
Have you ever wondered if they were following a hidden process to help them create such a streamlined, cohesive business that results in testimonial after testimonial for the transformation their work brings?
Their own.
And it’s time to follow suit by Mapping Your Method that:
Serves as the foundation for your multiple 6-figure offer suite that’s all your own.
Fortifies your unique approach & helps YOU stand out in a crowded sea.
Holds your wisdom for your most potent offers, your most raved about opt-ins, and gives you endless content ideas that lead to sales & “OMG, this so resonates” time & time again!
People bUY results.
People BUY values (hello, alignment!)
People bUY Process.
They want to know there’s a tested METHOD operating behind the scenes, which is where Map Your Method comes in!
Because chances are - you’re exceptionally gifted at dancing with what’s in the room & pulling from your years of experience and deep well of wisdom as you need to.
But when it comes to nailing down that secret sauce that’s underneath every transformation, you can’t quite grasp the magic into a succinct explanation.
Which can even sometimes make you feel like maybe those results were just luck vs. there being a SOLID PROCESS that consistently generates those results for your people.
Every client result reaffirmed the power of your methodology that could be trusted (and purchased) by more people?
And you had a name and language for YOUR process that instantly sparked curiosity & gave people the exact words to share more about what you do??
I mean,
Could you imagine if...
A powerful process for helping you distill your wisdom into a cohesive methodology that strengthens your:
Ready to see exactly what’s inside?
Map Your Method Includes:
For distilling your wisdom into custom methodology that holds the depth & breadth of your brilliance
For creating a visual representation of your method that clearly communicates your unique process
For helping you trust that special magic that only you bring & the larger impact you’re here to make!
Map Your
Method Includes:
When I mapped my signature method, it gave me the confidence I needed to raise my rates because I was no longer winging it (even though that worked okay for awhile).
Instead, I had a PROPRIETARY PROCESS that I could clearly communicate with my clients for not only WHAT WE WERE GOING TO ACHIEVE together, but HOW WE WERE GOING TO GET THERE!
This allowed me to 5x my rates confidently AND my clients to INVEST confidently knowing there was a process that'd be guiding us the whole time!
Every METHOD needs to be articulated, whether that's for more TANGIBLE outcomes like more revenue, more clients, more subscribers or more INTANGIBLE outcomes like more confidence, more self-love, more joy.
When you can clearly articulate the results you help your clients achieve and HOW you're going to achieve them - this is what leads to:
YES! Help Me Map My Method!
Let’s bring Yours to the surface!
People BUY Process.
people BUY results.
People BUY values.
Map Your Method
Turning Your Method Into Momentum
How to Distill Your Wisdom into a Cohesive Methodology
Now that we have a solid foundation, it’s time to create your Wisdom Model - a visual representation of your custom methodology that helps your clients achieve consistent results. Your Wisdom Model provides a roadmap of your entire process that communicates what you do and, more importantly, how you do it.
Creating Your Wisdom Model That Holds Your Method
How to Niche Down Into Your Biggest Purpose
If you’ve ever struggled to clarify the results you most want to help your clients achieve (because let’s be honest - you’re brilliant and help your clients get all kinds of results), then you likely know it’s hard to become well known if you haven’t yet clarified the results you most want to help your people achieve. Here, I’ll help you clarify the ultimate transformation you want to provide your people and how it’s uniquely connected to your deeper purpose and why your soul is here.
Clarifying The Heart of Your Work
How to Clarify The Key Problems Your Methodology Solves
Before we start clarifying your methodology, we first have to clarify your lens from your lane. Your lane clarifies the key problems you want your body of work to help solve. Your lens clarifies how you uniquely approach those problems. Together, your lens & lane help set you apart in the market, attract perfect fit soulmate clients, and help inform which pieces of your wisdom need to take the biggest seats in your methodology.
Clarifying Your Lens vs. Your Lane
How to Stand Out in a Crowded Sea
One of the biggest mistakes Helpers & Healers make is putting more value on their certifications, professional training, and degrees than their hard-earned wisdom that gives them a unique perspective or lens. If you want to stand out in a crowded market, it’s essential for you to start valuing your inner knowing just as much as your knowledge. (Your Knowing + Your Knowledge = Your Unique Market Value)
Seeing Your Unique Market Value
How to Audit The Depth & Breadth of Your Brilliance
To map your method, we first have to pull forward all the wisdom that needs to have a place in your methodology. Here, we’ll do a deep dive into every ounce of wisdom you hold and organize it into one of four distinct categories. Our goal? Start to pull together your unique wisdom set that no one else on this planet has ;)
Conducting a Wisdom Audit
Business strategist & money mentor who helps brilliant coaches, consultants, therapists, and healers like you distill their wisdom into their most potent offers and build offer suites so aligned, your offers start to sell themselves.
A sustainable multi-6 figure business doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does need to be intentionally designed with a clear methodology that ensures your business flows together seamlessly behind the scenes. If you’ve ever wondered how other successful entrepreneurs are building such cohesive brands where they become well known for what they do, it’s because they have a methodology operating in the background that informs every offer, every talking point, every podcast topic, and even every social media post that intentionally layers in their unique approach and expertise.
Inside Map Your Method, I’m going to walk you through the first step I take with each of my clients to help them see all the wisdom they bring to the table & surface your signature process (even if it seems you’re not following one right now because you’re so intuitively gifted at dancing with whatever’s in the room 😉).
Seeing your methodology for the first time is like seeing the culmination of all your training, experience, passion, and inner wisdom integrated together for the first time. If you want a business that creates momentum, you need a business that’s operating on cohesion.
Let’s Map Your Method to give you process and language for how you do what you do, which leads to more sales, more growth, & more impact that’s a WIN for you, a WIN for your business, and most certainly a WIN for your people!
YES! I Want To
map my method!
Yes!I Want To
map my method!
Great question! And the answer is in my own method ;) I’ve had so many Helpers & Healers come through this course who have shared this was the missing piece that finally helped them see where every ounce of their wisdom has a space to belong.
The reason most other Methodology trainings fail is because they don’t take an integrative approach. Instead, they encourage you to cram yourself into a small little box where you feel like you have to abandon really important pieces of who you are. My approach is the exact opposite.
Your wisdom is like a 10,000 page book. Not a small little paragraph. That’s why an expansive approach is so important for creating a methodology that literally feels like a love letter to the world from your soul!
I pride myself on distilling my trainings into the most potent version. You’ll be able to get through all the curriculum/video trainings in an hour. As far as doing the work to Map Your Method, I’d budget another 2-3. Some of that time will be spent at your desk, in your chair, putting in the work. The rest of that time will be spent in simple reflection and convos with a biz bestie as you dial in the core components & philosophies that inform your unique approach.
My goal with Map Your Method is to keep this training as accessible as possible. Therefore, hands-on support is not included.
If you’re looking for additional help with your methodology, that’s the work that happens inside Signature Suite - my 4-month program for helping you crystallize your method, map out your signature offer flow, and create your first signature offer that brings your potent methodology to the world.
Yes!I Want To
Distill your wisdom into your signature method for messaging that attracts soulmate clients, positioning that helps you stand out, a multiple six-figure offer suite that holds your brilliance, and taking it all the way to the bank 💸
map my method!
Map Your Method is here to help you clarify your signature process so you can exquisitely talk about what you do & build a cohesive multi 6-figure offer suite!
Not only do you get immediate access to the course and all the content, but you’re also saying goodbye to overwhelm and lack of clarity because you’ll have a powerful anchor point that gives you confidence & helps you set yourself apart in the market.
Get Started Today!
map my method!
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