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Hey, hey, y’all!
I’m so excited to dive back into Abundant Money today and approach this from a completely different angle!
In this episode, I’m sharing:
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Oh, hey hey y’all! And welcome back to the show! After last week’s episode on Abundant Money, I knew we needed one more episode to dive into this one and I’m so excited to approach this from a mindset perspective today!
Up first though – I wanted to share a few behind the scenes decisions on the DreamMoney Launch because I think it’s important to share how strategy shifts, why it shifts, and the permission to shift when you know it’s the right call. Plus, a few aha’s I had recording last week’s episode that definitely went into these changes.
First, last week was the first time I shared that after much searching for where we want our next chapter to be after the military, we’ve decided there doesn’t have to be this huge rush to figure it out. We can take our time and just make one transition at a time while also waiting for the housing market to stabilize a bit more that will help us feel like we aren’t making a completely hasty financial decision just to get into our dream house sooner.
I also shared how we’ve been realizing how where we are right now isn’t bad. It’s the not the full dream by any means, but we’re happy, abundant, and entering into this next chapter we’ve been dreaming of for so long and everything feels really, really good.
I also shared how the same is true in my business right now. My margins are healthy, I feel abundant, and after two full years of a fast & furious ride, I’m enjoying this season in my business. Even while starting a whole new company and moving into a whole new world with my app.
I feel the happiest I’ve felt in a long time and after pushing to get the DreamMoney Blueprint and Calculator ready to go with the GORGEOUS sales page that goes with it, the place just wasn’t pacing for how I want to experience this season so I came back to he decision we’ve made around our move and said, “what’s the rush?”
So instead of doing a formal launch like I’m used to this month, I decided to switch gears entirely and promote the DreamMoney Blueprint and Calculator throughout the rest of the year to raise my capital. And that feels SO good, delicious, and dreamy!
I know this to be true from coaching my clients, but so many times we set these arbitrary timelines that we feel this indebtedness to stick to even when it’s feeling rushed as if we forget we make the rules, we set the pace.
Now, dont’ get me wrong. A deadline and timeline can do wonders for getting things done, but it’s a total LEO (Lead Executive Officer) move to discern when a timeline is helping and when it’s creating more stress.
So I took a dose of my own medicine and said, “let’s space this out a bit.” Let’s slow this down so I can truly enjoy this season of business I’m in and it feels so good. So, so good! As an overachiever who is usually off to the next thing, this decision feels next level CEO for me for how I want to run both of my companies.
I did a future self visualization the other week with my good friend and coach Allison Braun and the vision that came through for where I’m going is so crystal clear in my mind and she’s fully on board with this change of pace! I’ll tell you more about that vision on another episode.
So with that, instead of a live masterclass next week, I’m going to be recording a self-paced demo that shows you all the financial clarity both the DreamMoney Blueprint & Calculator add to your business.
And instead of running a live program starting in October, I’m going to run a live program starting in January to start the year off strong giving me the whole rest of the year to sell the Blueprint while also pre-selling the live program that comes with your purchase!
But the other thing I’ve decided to do is to start leading open money calls for all my Dreamers starting in October!
I used to lead bi-weekly money mapping calls a couple of years ago for all my money mappers and the way these calls created such a sacred, powerful space for money confidence was just unreal!! When it was time to sunset those calls, it was mirrored back to me again and again just how helpful they were for creating accountability around your money and I’m thrilled to be bringing them back!
Want to get in on these calls? They’re available to all DREAMERS! Simply join me as a Funding Dreamer by purchasing the full Blueprint for $997 or as a Founding Dreamer by purchasing the Calculator for $247. Our calls will be every other Wednesday from 1-2pm starting October 11th through May of 2024!!
My biggest goal is to create space for DreamMoney conversations, create community, and build money mastery together!! I would absolutely LOVE to see you there <3
The other thing that went into this decision is something I want to talk about today, which is knowing there’s no rush and there’s plenty of time.
When we talk about stepping into abundant money, our relationship with time, resources, space, possibilities, and opportunities are going to show up right along with it. The quickest way to get into money scarcity is when we get into scarcity around any or all of these other things, which is why I wanted a special episode to dive into these pieces, especially.
The last few things I’ll share regarding DreamMoney updates that have been pretty exciting before we dive into our topic for today is I’ve already started filling out my 2024 DreamMoney Blueprint for the first time since rebranding it with the new sheets I created and it has been nothing shy of a next level experience watching the way this tool, this framework, this system continues to get better and better over the years.
On it, I started laying the vision for Dream Money’s dream team next year. I started adding projected revenue from the app into my profit plan for the first time, and there’s just something about seeing it right there in the Blueprint that makes this all that much more real!
I also officially filed for my LLC and EIN and will be opening up Dream Money Co’s business accounts soon. Things are just getting official, official over here and my heart is so happy for where all this is going and where we’re growing.
And lastly, I have to give a shout out to Michelle Cherian, the CPO (Chief Product Officer) I hired to help me map out the initial version of the app. She tagged me on LinkedIn yesterday and the way she conceptualized what the DreamMoney Blueprint does was so affirming to read, but to also see all the comments excited about what I’m building was such an exciting thing to read for how this work is going to touch so many more people than I could even begin to imagine and that is just so damn rad!
I can already envision conferences that gather the DREAMERS and it’s going to be a powerful thing for us all to be in the same place!
An abundance of possibilities, my friends, and future connections! Which segues us perfectly into our episode for today… You ready?
I want you to imagine you’re experiencing your own definition of DreamMoney. Take a second and really imagine what that looks like and feels like. How will you know you’re there?
Because chances are when you think about DreamMoney, it isn’t just about money is it?
You envision spaciousness in your calendar, time & resources to take trips, an abundance of support, options, and connections coming your way without you having to seek them out. You likely feel like you’re in an abundant flow with the world at your fingertips. You want for nothing. You feel resourced. You feel plentiful. You feel supported.
Can you see it in your mind’s eye? Can you feel it in your body as you rest into it? Can you feel the way your heart opens, your face softens, maybe even a smile spreads across your face?
It’s nice, right? So what if I told you you could have all the money in the world and still not feel that way?
Could you picture that too? Could you picture having more than enough money, but still filling your calendar to the brim? Not making time for trips or maybe not taking them because it’s a hassle to plan or what not? Could you picture having more than enough money and still not feeling safe to enjoy it? Could you imagine still feeling like it’s always up to you to find the connections, the opportunities, etc. You have to seek them out?
Because money alone doesn’t shift those things does it? An abundant relationship to time, resources, space, possibilities, and opportunities does that. So let’s dive into how to create them because that work starts right here, right now.
We cannot wait for the amount of money we think will be more than enough to show up before we start embracing more abundance for a few reasons…
A few stories for you…
When I had my private practice, I remember scheduling my clients all back to back to maximize the number of people I could see each day. Doing it this way required me to stay very on time with people because otherwise, it was so easy to get behind quite quickly. Imagine a doctor’s office right?
On one particular day, I was in the middle of client sessions and I was heating up some water for my tea. I remember standing there in my building’s kitchen with 1:00 on the timer tapping my foot for it to hurry up and saying to myself, “ugh… there’s never enough time.”
Now, mind you, I’m an anxious person as it is so feeling rushed is usually my MO, but for some reason on this particular day it was as if I heard this self-talk (and this belief) for the very first time.
I had an almost out of body experience for a second as I caught this belief and literally said out loud, “Oh my god, how long have you been saying that to yourself? No wonder you’re always stressed. No wonder you always feel rushed. What would happen if we believed there was always plenty of time?”
Game changer!! Now, this led to structural changes too. Instead of scheduling my clients back to back, I started giving myself more time, but I also worked on this belief and still do to this day that there is always plenty of time.
This also reminds me of something Gay Hendricks talks about in the Big Leap around Einstein time – the concept that we can expand & collapse time. The slower I tend to go, the faster I tend to move and it’s usually when I’m in time scarcity when I don’t think there is time to slow down or space things out a bit. I need to do more and faster or I’m going to miss my chance, my opportunity, or opportune timing. And it’s this feeling, this belief right here, that starts to bleed over into money scarcity. If I don’t do this now, money is going to run out. If I don’t do this now, I won’t make sales. If I don’t do this now, the right timing will pass me by.
And trust me, money running out and money running low are very real things – but it’s also helpful to anchor that reality with the belief that money is a renewable resource and there’s an abundance of money available to flow in. You simply need to open the levees. This belief, of course, also rests on the confidence that you have offers that sell and you know how to make money and that cannot be understated. When we struggle making sales, when we haven’t learned the language of positioning and marketing, or we’ve built an audience of non-buyers, it can be very hard to adopt this belief because you’re still building the evidence.
Yet still, it’s also very easy to let the decrease in money create an urgency in regards to time – that as cash reserves dwindle so does our time to turn it around, which can quite easily create hasty decisions you wouldn’t make otherwise.
This is why IT’S SO IMPORTANT to know your numbers and especially your projections because this data grounds you. As well as anchoring into the belief that there’s plenty of time to figure out your next move. This belief alone will shift you out of scarcity and out of urgency and most likely out of a hasty move as a result.
Not to mention, things can change so quickly!! Especially when you have the right offer at the right price point solving the right problem for the right people!
So… one thing I want you reflecting on is your current relationship to time.
Are you currently rushing all the time? What’s driving that? What are some structural moves you can make to give yourself more time?
Are you currently always busy because you’re giving yourself an overwhelming to do list? How can you give yourself more generous timelines?
And lastly, do you ever find yourself saying “there’s not enough time”? Can you shift that self-talk into “I create time. Time is always expanding and collapsing to support me? There is always plenty of time.” Notice the way your nervous system shifts here. When we start to ground down into time abundance, you’ll start to find more evidence that supports this belief! You’ll also find that if you shift the way you relate to time, it’ll be easier to shift the way you relate to money.
This is such a robust topic, I’m sure we’ll circle back here in a future episode. Especially as we haven’t even begun to dive into the intersection of Capitalism and Colonialism with time.
But to summarize, if your vision of Dream Money includes a spacious calendar with time off, money doesn’t fix that alone. Structure does. Systems do. Plus, the belief that it’s safe to take time, make time, expand time, and collapse time. You create time.
Other abundant dynamics here that are important include the belief that there’s more than enough space for you, there’s an abundance of clients for you, there’s an abundance of opportunities for you, not to mention an abundance of possibilities.
Do you get stuck here? Do you get stuck in the belief that there’s already someone doing what you want to do and there isn’t space for you too? Or do you ground down into the belief that there’s more than enough space for everyone?
Do you get stuck in the belief that there are only so many clients to go around and that if someone works with someone else, that means one less client for you? Do you even believe in the concept of competitors? Or do you believe there is no competition because there’s no one in the world that does what you do quite like you do it?
Do you get stuck in the belief that every opportunity that comes your way must be seized or you’ll miss out? Yes, FOMO is a flavor of scarcity. Or do you trust you can never miss your own boat? There will always be more opportunities? You create opportunities. Much different vibe, yes?
And when you think about the abundance of possibilities – do you tend to get stuck in binary thinking that it’s either this way or that way or are you grounded in the knowing there’s always a third way, fourth way, etc.?
Let’s come back to your vision of DreamMoney for a second. Feel into it. Notice the way you feel so incredibly supported.
How can you tap into that right here, right now?
I remember early, early, early on in my career – I was so incredibly lost on what I was supposed to be doing with my life.
We had just moved to Wichita Falls, TX after getting married. It was our first military assignment as a couple. And although I had just graduated with my master’s, I’d also gone immediately back to school to do a year a pre-med pre-reqs because I thought I wanted to become a PA. So wild to imagine now.
But Wichita Falls didn’t have a PA program. The closest one was 2 hours away in Dallas and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do in this life season. I remember calling around to hospitals to try and get on as a CNA to build my experience for my application at least and the third hospital I talked to said, why are you applying to be a CNA when you have a masters degree? This doesn’t make sense. You should talk to our clinical supervisor about some other job opportunities. So I put in a call.
I remember standing in my kitchen that day feeling anxious and not knowing what I was supposed to be doing when I decided to close my eyes and bring my hands to prayer. I took a deep breath and repeated to myself, “my path is divinely guided”, “my path is perfectly timed”.
A few minutes later, the clinical supervisor called me back and said she couldn’t help me come on as a CNA, but she did need an administrative assistant in her private practice and should I decide to get licensed as a therapist, she’d also happily be my supervisor.
Two years later, I started my own private practice after everything I learned from her, which was my first taste of entrepreneurship and a stepping stone into everything I’ve built now.
The belief that my path is divinely guided and I’m always divinely supported is still something I come back to when I’m doing big, brave things. It’s the ultimate abundance move for me and softens any type of scarcity I’m feeling.
I still take the next right step in the meantime, but the biggest piece is – so many of the elements you hold in your mind’s eye around what DreamMoney will feel like start right here, right now. Don’t make them dependent on the amount of money that shows up or when it shows up.
If your vision is to be able to rest in the abundance of support, the abundance of time, the abundance of opportunities, the belief that you are abundantly supported, there’s plenty of time, and there’s plenty of opportunities starts now.
And I’ve found over and over again that when I’m tapped in – it doesn’t magically make money appear. But what it does do is radically shift the way I’m living my life, it radically opens my creativity to the richest ideas, and there is no better feeling than being rooted in the knowing that you’re so incredibly supported and good things are always on their way.
This doesn’t mean to bypass the hard stuff though. It’s so important for the hard stuff to be felt. Just yesterday, I was talking to a client who’s had a frustrating season in business. Her audience hasn’t been responding to several offers she’s put out there and we’ve been trying to diagnose what gives.
Her clients rave about working with her and yet still – the messaging for her group programs hasn’t been landing so we’ve been making intentional tweaks. She was in the process of launching a new masterclass and it wasn’t converting so I advised on pulling back, canceling it, as it wasn’t going to be worth the time investment, which is an LEO move all on its own. I’ve watched her consistently show up for her business and her people over and over again and even I’ve felt frustrated trying to figure out the gap between what her people want and the message that calls them in.
But yesterday, she knew logically things were going to be okay, but she was feeling so much resistance to showing up. I gave her the assignment to write an “I’m angry” letter to her business, which another client chimed in and said, “Oh yes, I call these rage pages, which I love.” Credit to you Hayley Yarish.
Her work wasn’t to get into an abundant mindset. Her homework was to express the frustration and anger that was present. Her work was making enough time to process that even though money needs to be made.
How often do you find yourself saying that you don’t have time to feel your feelings or you need to hurry up and process your feelings because money has to be made? Is that your version of DreamMoney? The hustle? The pushing through?
My goal for all my clients and even myself is to stay tapped into the abundance of everything around us, but let’s not let abundance bypass our real experiences. Both/and.
I’ll be so excited to report back what moves for her from this assignment, but if you want to tap into true abundance – part of that is knowing there’s more than enough time for you to feel your feelings fully and the more we lean in, the quicker they tend to move.
More than enough time. Always. If there’s no other shift you work on when it comes to abundance – work on there being plenty of time.
You can never miss your own boat. Or as Staci Jordan Shelton says, “My good never misses me”. You good never misses you, either.
Until next time friends, here’s to the courage to keep showing up even when clarity is still forming, knowing, trusting, believing, the next right step is always on its way.
©️ 2024 Megan Hale, LLC. | Mailing Address: PO Box 1084, Bellevue, NE 68005