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Hey, hey, y’all!
We are officially wrapping up our final episode (for now) on Easeful Money as we dive into mastery. And more importantly – emotional mastery!
In this episode, we’re exploring how to create nervous system regulation around money including:
Links mentioned in this episode:
Become a Funding or Founding Dreamer today!!
P.S. If you’re a prior “Money Mapper”, make sure you check your email for a very special invitation I’m not sharing anywhere else 🤩
Hello, hello, y’all!! And welcome back to the show. We’ve officially made it to our last episode on Easeful Money and I’m so glad we’ve been able to break down this piece because if there’s anything I know about ease – it’s one of the hardest things to cultivate. Ironic, right? Or at least it’s been that way for me. We’re wrapping up this short series by diving into Ease through Mastery today! It’s going to be a good one, especially the lens I’m going to approach this through.
But first – photos are back from the shoot last week and I’m in LOVE! If you’ve been following on stories, you know I’ve shared a few sneak peeks. The sales page for the DreamMoney Blueprint is officially done! And beginning this week, I’m officially moving into the launch for raising $350K to build my app. The smile on my face I have saying that is just unreal, y’all! It’s happening!!
Unlike other startups who raise capital where the founder has an idea, but no product – I have product! Which is why I’ve been working behind the scenes over here to get the DreamMoney Blueprint completely rebranded from the Money Map and ready to sell because
Here’s how everything is going down –
In order to raise $350K, I’m calling in 100 Funding Dreamers and 1000 Founding Dreamers.
Funding Dreamers will purchase the full DreamMoney Blueprint for $997 while Founding Dreamers purchase the DreamMoney Calculator for $247.
The full Blueprint comes with a 90-day live program with me where in October, we’ll be creating your first blueprint together and integrating it into your business. November,, we’ll be laying the foundation for nervous system regulation around money by diving into your trans-generational money story. In December, we’ll have an end of the year virtual dreaming retreat where we’ll be getting clear on your goals for 2024. And then in January, we’ll complete a 30-day money practice for building powerful money habits to start the New Year! The program is valued at $1500, which you get for free when you purchase the blueprint for $997. I’m so excited to blend both the practical money skills and inner work in this live program because we need both when it comes to DreamMoney!
The Calculator will help people clarify their Good, Better, Best revenue goals that tells you exactly how much your businesses need to generate to fund your needs and dreams while also dialing in your GBB Margins to prioritize sustainable cash flow. This comes with two live Q&A calls with me as well as lifetime access to a free FB community where you can tag me with any Q’s when you purchase the Calculator for $247.
If you’re tuning in and you’re like “Megan, I want to be one of the first Funding or Founding Dreamers”, then you’re in LUCK! Because the doors are officially open to purchase the newly re-recorded DreamMoney Blueprint or the DreamMoney Calculator in the show notes!! And if you’re a prior Money Mapper, meaning you’ve previously purchased the Money Map – make sure you check your email because I have something special JUST FOR YOU!
May the path to $350K with 100 Funding Dreamers and 1000 Founding Dreamers officially commence, y’all!! It’s happening. In fact, in my podcast calendar, I have an episode titled How I raised $350K to build my app” to hold tis vision. In my cells, I know it’s happening! $350K or more.
Okay, my friends – today we’re diving into Ease through Mastery and before we get started, I was thinking about how i wanted to approach this topic because to do so I first had to define what I mean by mastery.
To me, mastery comes from nervous system safety. We’ve successfully mastered something when there’s a great deal of familiarity. We’ve mastered something when we understand something intimately. We’ve mastered something when we’ve become proficient in a topic or a skill. We’ve mastered something when we’re able to zoom out from our feelings around something and see the bigger picture. We’ve mastered something when there’s a deep level of trust.
And lastly, we’ve mastered something when we know how to regulate our nervous system around it and this last part is key because MASTERY does not mean we never spin out, experience overwhelm, experience fear, experience pressure, or get caught up in old stories. We will all have our human experience – especially when we’re upleveling.
Mastery means we have the self-awareness to notice our emotions and thoughts and have practices that allow us to find our way home.
I remember when I was deep in my enoughness work in 2015 and working my way through old stories and conditioning one storyline and engrained pattern at a time. I spent 4 months excavating my childhood stories and beliefs of not enough by doing a daily practice of non-dominant journaling. Over those months, I also divorced myself from productivity, ambition, and goal-chasing as much of my enoughness was tied to achieving. My exploration those 4 months was to explore who I was without those things. And let me tell you – it was excruciating and also identity shifting.
Those four months felt like a full year, but looking back now – it was such a short snapshot of time. Anyway, I remember getting to this place of peace and feeling rooted in my sense of enoughness simply by who I was. Not by what I did, not by what I contributed, not by who I helped. I felt my life pace slow from 90 mph to a leisure pace of 50-60. There were many moments where I would find joy simply sitting and being and when it came to my enoughness – I was so grounded in my own definition.
I was steady. And yet still, fears would pop up. Self-doubt would pop up. Comparison would pop up and I would get so frustrated that the voices of not-enough were still there. I smile now looking back. Because it was this experience where I realized – ohhh, the goal isn’t to never feel not enough. The goal is to come back to your enoughness as fast as possible. That is mastery. And the same is true when it comes to money.
Mastery around money is not about never feeling money fears or overwhelm. Mastery around money is not about never making a money mistake. You’ll make plenty of them as you’re learning how to manage money, give money, invest money, and make money. Mastery around money is knowing your way back from money fear, money shame, money guilt, and money not-enoughness to ground yourself in that place of objectivity, peace, calm, confidence, and aligned action.
So how do we create mastery? How do we regulate ourselves around money?
I’m going to make this incredibly simple because it was incredibly simple for me. We regulate ourselves around money by staying in the room for it. Even when it’s uncomfortable. Even when we feel overwhelmed. Especially when we feel financial shame or those feelings of not earning enough. Especially when we make a mistake we couldn’t have seen until we see it. Especially when we experience money grief and disappointment.
We stay in the room. We stay in the room for the stories we’re telling ourselves. We stay in the room to hear where those stories are even coming from to begin with. We stay in the room until we identify what part of the story is around money and what part of the story is about safety, security, power, independence, freedom, confidence, worthiness, etc.
We cannot build mastery with something we’re not willing to stay in the room for. And it was this piece that radically shifted my relationship to money because by staying in the room for it consistently, which I’ll talk about in just a second, is what gave me the opportunity to regulate around what was coming up around money and find my way back to truth. Again and again.
And these days, when I feel my nervous system elevate – I notice what part is simply from old conditioning, what part of it is real, and continue to stay in the room never abandoning money when it needs me just like I never want money to abandon me when I need it. We’re in it together. Always.
Staying in the room is what helped me ground my emotions, but it also led me to creating solutions. It also led me to thinking objectively. It also led me to getting creative around managing money when things would be lean, which built trust that even in tighter times, I was okay, I was safe, I knew what to do, which regulated me even more around money.
And the way I stayed in the room for money was so incredibly simple – not easy. Simple. I met with money every single day for a full year. In 2018, when I had first created what’s now the DreamMoney Blueprint, I would open up that tool on a daily basis for at least 5 minutes and regulate myself around money.
It was this daily meeting with my money that built intimacy.
And we cannot build mastery without it We cannot build mastery with something we do not seek to know.
What is going on with your money?
What is your plan for your money?
What is working with your money?
What is not working with your money?
What’s the next month look like for your money?
What actions are you taking to support your money?
What is your money needing from you?
What are you needing from it?
I want you to think about a human to human relationship. What builds intimacy and trust with another human? Can you have intimacy and trust without quality time? Can you have intimacy and trust without knowing one another deeply? Can you have intimacy and trust without knowing how to navigate disagreement and hard times and acknowledge what’s not working? Can you have intimacy and trust without being vulnerable? Can you have intimacy and trust if you don’t stay in the room?
The same is true with money. What we need when it comes to money is a plan and a practice. And that’s exactly what the DreamMoney Blueprint provided for me. It gave me a framework of interacting with my money that built intimacy. And using it daily is what allowed me to stay in the room to notice what was there for me to work through, what was present for me when I was stressed, what was present for me when I was feeling accomplished, and to notice what I was projecting onto money. It was fascinating!!
One of the first assignments I give my mastermind clients is to meet with their money daily. Spend time with your money. Spend time planning for your money. Spend time noticing what your money is doing and not doing. Spend time noticing what you are doing and not doing when it comes to what you want to happen with your money.
This practice alone creates shifts in a matter of 30 days where literally in just a few weeks, they report feeling more grounded with money, more steady with money, more confident with money even if nothing has changed with their money because here’s the thing – so many of us put the emphasis on having more money as the thing that’s going to shift how we feel about money – but that’s only one piece.
More money can create a sense of sufficiency, but it can’t create a sense of safety. Regulating ourselves around money is what creates safety.
And the way we regulate is two-fold –
Having an opportunity to become aware of what you’re feeling around money and from those feelings, which of those are grounded in your personal beliefs and which are grounded in your trans-generational beliefs because we can absolutely carry our ancestor’s financial traumas, we can absolutely carry a family member’s anxiety around money that is never ours to own. And we can also form all kinds of faulty beliefs based on our lived experiences that aren’t actually grounded in an absolute truth, but are simply grounded in a snapshot in time.
For example, let’s say you’re feeling dysregulated around money because you have a launch coming up with several underperforming launches in your lived history. The fear is I’m scared this launch is going to go. And when you sit with that fear long enough, you notice a deeper belief emerge that maybe you don’t know how to make money, which then points to a deeper belief that you don’t know how to sell.
If you could get to that truth and shift into the knowing that you do know how to sell and you do know how to make money – just sit with that truth for a moment. Repeat those words to yourself. I know how to sell. I know how to make money. Do you see how that starts to shift the pressure? Do you see how that starts to let the past launches be the past launches that have no impact on your ability to sell and make money in this upcoming launch.
But do you also see that you wouldn’t have gotten to that belief if you didn’t stay in the room long enough with money?
The room is the most important part! This is how we become aware of our unconscious beliefs around money.
The second piece to regulating ourselves to money is to intentionally breathe into whatever is in the room until you feel your nervous system ground. And this will usually correspond to either an action plan that allows you to feel confident in what you need you to, an awareness that there’s enough money and that we’re provided for, which we can only create by deeply looking at our numbers and knowing what’s enough to begin with, or shifting into a different belief that’s more grounded in confidence, knowing, faith, trust, or abundance, which we’ll talk about next week.
Regulation around money is staying present to what’s in the room between you and money and you can’t stay present if there’s no room to begin with, which is where your daily practice comes in where we build the tools we need to find our way back to that confidence, knowing, truth, new beliefs, faith, trust, and abundance.
If you want to have more money mastery, it’s knowing you can stay in the room and feel what needs to be felt and then move into objectivity – get distance from those feelings. Examine what’s true and what’s rooted in fear. And then also have the tools to form a plan to shift the situation.
Tools, a plan, and a practice, y’all! This is the foundation for building more mastery because embedded in each of these are building more money skills, more money proficiency, more money self-awareness, and most definitely money intimacy.
Want to know a tell-tale sign that you’re building more internal money mastery?
I’ll let you in on a little secret.
Back in 2018 when I was meeting with my money daily – what I was doing was exposing myself daily to something I didn’t like, something I had strong feelings around, something I felt insufficient at, which was uncomfortable AF. But it was this repeated exposure that allowed something new to become possible.
I started getting better at money.
I started knowing my money.
I started knowing myself with money.
I started to gain objectivity with money.
And over time, I went from feeling super charged around money to feeling nothing about money which is probably the biggest secret of all.
Our goal isn’t to feel good about money. It’s to feel neutral about money. It’s a part of life. It’s a part of business. There are highs. There are lows. Money moves constantly. And even if money is always flowing to you, which is definitely the goal – there will still be seasons where your money is flowing out more steadily than it’s coming in. Especially during a season of high investments or in a season of more expenses like when you move and are getting settled in a new house. There will also be seasons of lower spending and higher savings if you’re not out and about doing things.
Our goal is to have that objectivity around money – that it isn’t static and we don’t expect it to be. That’s not the nature of money.
But we cannot know the nature of money if we don’t spend quality time with it, which is where a consistent money practice comes in. We cannot create emotional safety around money if we don’t excavate the unconscious thoughts and beliefs that are driving our relationship with money. So, as we earn and focus on the plan, we also need to attune to a practice.
And if you want to do this work with me, then definitely join me for the 90-day program that’s starting in October, which you get access to for free when you purchase the DreamMoney Blueprint for $997.
You not only become a Funding Dreamer and help fund the development of this app
Yot not only get this powerful revenue planning tool integrated into your business
But you’ll also have 90 days with me as we make some radical shifts between you and your money that will serve both your life and business long term!
I would absolutely LOVE to do this work together!!
You can learn more at down in the show notes!
From here… we’ll be diving into the A in DreamMoney next week as we ground down into Abundance through a strategic lens so you always have more than enough and from a mindset lens so you’re always grounded in the knowing there’s always enough money. It’s going to be so good!
Until next time friends, here’s to the courage to keep showing up even when clarity is still forming – knowing, trusting, believing the next right step is always on its way. See you soon!
©️ 2024 Megan Hale, LLC. | Mailing Address: PO Box 1084, Bellevue, NE 68005