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Hello, TBD fam! I am fresh back from San Antonio after delivering a brand new keynote and OMG, I am still on Cloud 9 for so many reasons!
In this episode, I’m breaking down the process of clarity forming and how to stay present to the gems and treasures that are being laid upon your path. If you’re in a season of becoming, reassessing, or reimagining – this episode will offer some reassurance and new perspective for the journey you’re walking right now!
I’m a firm believer clarity is always on its way. Tune in as I dive into why!
Hello, hello my friends and welcome back to the show. So I am fresh back from an amazing, amazing conference, which was Growth Getters Live. I got to go down to San Antonio, which is a city so near and dear to my heart, and also hang out with a really good colleague and friend, Natalie Gingrich.
I so treasured our time together and being with her and her team, and also just had so many amazing connections, like it was truly such a transformative event and I’m definitely gonna be breaking down a couple of gems that I received last week on today’s episode. But where I really wanted to start is, you know, TBD is kind of a conversation of me finding myself again, of me finding my brand, finding my message, finding my new invitation after this trademark issue.
And it’s really been a beautiful invitation for me personally to kind of just take a step back and really reevaluate things, reassess things and look at everything I’ve built up to date and where do we wanna go from here? So although I didn’t think that it was going to be this kind of new chapter beginning, um, that’s kind of how it’s starting to arrive in my life, that this is kind of an organic transition.
And the reason that I wanted to start with this is anytime we are finding ourselves again, or finding a new message, or finding a new invitation, or finding a new lens for our work or whatever that looks like, whatever it is that we’re exploring or seeking, the way that this thing tends to find us is in little tiny glimpses at a time.
Our topic today is all around that process that I’m dubbing “Clarity Comes in Waves”, which really arcs back to a very old concept I made up back in my therapy days when I’d be holding space for that in-between stage, which also still supports me to this day holding space for clients when we’re working on robust concepts in their businesses and waiting for that clarity we need to arrive.
The way I’ve usually described this process is that it’s almost like a wave washes onto shore, right? And maybe it leaves a seashell and you pick it up and you’re like, well, this is beautiful, but what does it mean? The ocean’s like, “I don’t know, like just play with it, just sit with it. Isn’t it gorgeous?”
And another wave comes in and it drops maybe a little treasure and you’re picking that up, and now you have this treasure and you have this seashell, and you’re like, what do I do with this? And the ocean’s like, “I don’t know, but isn’t it great? Look at what I brought you!!” I want to point out that the ocean does not care about what all this means. It simply cares about giving you all the pieces. It’s up to you to make sense of them and you can definitely tell that things are on their way, but you still can’t see the whole picture yet, right?
You just kind of have these pieces, these fragments, of really beautiful things that you know are meaningful and you know that they mean something, but you can’t see how they all fit together yet. And this is really the process of arriving somewhere new because it doesn’t just happen overnight. It happens through these tiny little moments that leave an imprint on your heart, that open a new doorway in your mind, you see things from a different perspective.
Maybe somebody reflects something back to you that like just lands in such a powerful way and you’re in this process of gathering all of these things not really knowing how they all fit, just knowing they will someday.
You truly have that knowing that you are in process. You are in process and one of the things that I think really keeps us attuned to our journey is to always be on the lookout for the things being laid upon your shore. When something lands for you or means something powerful for you, take notice of it!
Because it stuck out to you for a reason. It’s like a breadcrumb that will likely have a way bigger meaning some day!
These things are also like little winks from the ocean that you’re being guided, things are coming, there’s nothing to fear, it’s all on its way.
If you’ve been in my world for any amount of time, you know I say “clarity is always on its way” a lot. A lot. A lot! Because it helps ground me in times of uncertainty, but also I think it’s such an expansive and supportive belief to hold onto as we move through the world.
You know, it’s been an interesting experience since I’ve started this show because I’ve noticed I’ve kind of stopped tracking the things that the ocean has been bringing to my shore. I think it’s easy to lose sight of the gems and the treasures when you feel like you’re having to dig yourself out of the sand or you feel like you’re getting tousled in the waves a bit. You might even forget the shore is available to you, if you’re anything like me.
These past two years especially have been full of so much growth of scaling my business quickly and having to learn things at hyper speed. There’s been a lot to figure out and I’m glad I did it. And also moving at that pace forever and always just isn’t what I want for me. So when TBD started, maybe even months before then, I’ve been slowing way down, creating more space, taking more time to really take stock of all the gems that have shown up for me. I know I still have a lot to unpack when it comes to all these past couple of years have held, which I’m so glad I have a soul-support coach who’s holding that space for that reflection for me.
But as I mentioned in last week’s episode, I can always tell when I’m on a path of becoming. It’s a subtle shifting of gears from doing and giving to noticing and receiving. There’s a heightened sense of awareness. I feel more open to receiving all kinds of things from clients, money, opportunities, new connections, new ideas, but especially new reflections and insights! Dots start to connect more powerfully for me. And I think that’s why this past week was just so incredibly profound.
You know when I’m coaching clients and listening to them on multiple levels – the words they’re using, their facial expressions, their body language, their energy – I can always tell when the clarity they’re seeking is starting to emerge. I can tell when they say something that’s like one of those gems or treasures the ocean has just brought to their shore. And it’s never my job to make sense of it. Simply to notice it. Simply to mirror it back to them.
But I always remember when those little things were just mentioned in passing and then sometime down the road, maybe weeks, or maybe months, there’s this huge aha, this huge eureka moment when all of a sudden things make sense and it’s like all the signs, all the gems were there all along hiding in plain sight.
And I know I had several of those moments for myself this past week in San Antonio- that the answers I’m seeking around my brand, my message, my core invitation are starting to emerge and that I’ll likely even go back and listen to this episode I’m recording right now and say, “yep… here it was! Staring at me the whole time!”
The past few weeks of starting TBD, I’ve shared how I’ve had to remove my core invitation, which has left a pretty big hole in that space. And since that shift, it’s kind of invited me to rethink, reassess what my core invitation is these days. I’ve built several bodies of work at this point with The Enoughness Revolution, which is all around worthiness & enoughness, and Wild & Holy, which is all around redefining your sense of Divinity, and now my present body of work that’s all around sustainable business design and supportive money.
My prior core invitation has been explicitly money focused and I’ve wondered if that’s the direction I’m meant to keep heading in. Couple that with the fact that I’m building a money app and it would totally make sense that this stay central to my message and my brand. But what I found interesting is the keynote I delivered last week didn’t mention money at all and it was so fascinating to me because money has been the lead in my work for almost 5 years now.
I’m used to speaking to it mostly because it’s been so healing for me, but I’ve also been reflecting on how easy it is to get tied up in the revenue and the ROI and like all of those things, especially as a business coach, because money matters, right?
Money is a very key variable for what we need to have happen in our businesses. The things that we want to see happen from the investments that we make. And of course it’s a very important variable that I’m always focused on when it comes to my client’s businesses because this directly impacts their personal financial goals and what they’re able to afford for themselves and their families and the larger impact they are able to make with their money in the world. Like it is such a big piece of my work.
But I think the thing that I was reflecting on at Growth Getters Live is, you know, when I’m designing frameworks for clients, the place where I always start is clarifying the soul of your work; the reason that you are doing what you are doing that doesn’t have anything to do with the results you’re helping your people achieve, but really comes back to who you are being and what your soul literally is striving for in this world, because that is the thing that is likely gonna stay constant across age, season, & our constant evolution. It’s the thing that’s motivating us to keep evolving in the first place.
And the reason it’s so important to identify this piece first is because your body of work might shift and evolve many, many, many, many times, right? Like I have built several bodies of work at this point like I already mentioned. But the thing that allows there to be a through thread through all of your work is the thing that your soul has been seeking this whole time.
And this thing that we’re seeking might manifest differently in the world from season to season. But it’s always gonna be a constant because it’s you and it’s what your soul is here to do. For me, the soul behind everything for me is to step into my fullest expression. It has been something that I have been pursuing for as long as I can remember.
It’s why I started experiencing anxiety by the time I was 11, because I started to feel like the world was trying to make me be somebody that I wasn’t, or who I was wasn’t enough, right? And that was going to greatly impact my fullest expression of who I am here to be and become.
And then navigating depression, not really knowing if my fullest expression was worthy to begin with, right? And then navigating all the other things in my lifetime, which I’m not gonna rehash here. A lot of that’s on the enoughness revolution because I unpacked so many layers on that show, but at the very heart of it, I have always been here to step into my fullest expression and to know that all of my gifts have found a place in this world; to know that I have used everything that I have been given to make the biggest impact that I am here to make.
And anytime I am not pursuing my fullest expression, like anytime I know that I am not seeing my gifts, I’m not seeing my value, it literally feels like such an insult to my soul. Okay. Such an insult to my soul, and I’m sure it does for you too. It’s a very common experience, I would say, but the thing that I came back to delivering this keynote is that I didn’t talk about money hardly at all.
Instead, I really talked about how we integrate our wisdom into a cohesive body of work that really brings our gifts to the world and the conversations that I had, ugh, it just makes me emotional thinking about it because I found myself really being that encourager and being that seer, being that mirror for people, hearing the vision that they had for their lives and their work and their impact, and being that person that said, “You can do this, right? Like I can see how all of this comes together. I can see how this piece hasn’t been woven into your work. I can see the impact that you could really have if you were willing to integrate this, right, and willing to create your own body of work that really brought this to the forefront.”
And what I was really doing was inviting them into their fullest expression. So it felt like such a profound, like full circle moment for me because as money has kind of shifted out of the core message of my work, it has naturally created space to simply go back to the thing that has always been true, which is what my soul is here to do. It’s how we find our right footing.
So for me, for that thing to be to step into my fullest expression and then to deliver a keynote that was inviting others into theirs and to really feel like I was so fully expressed last week. It was just so rad. It was so, so rad.
I felt so aligned and good in that content. And the way it was received was just next level. It was that moment of the ocean washing gem after gem up upon my shore and saying, “take notice, look, take pause, see this, there’s something here for you.”
The other thing that showed up was an exercise I lead at the very end that was far more energetic and soul-shifting than any of the strategy I typically focus on. It’s been a long time since I’ve led an energetic practice like this, but I basically had everyone do an exercise where we verbally shared what we were done doing, which was so powerful to hear it move out of everyone’s bodies. Like, I could literally feel the energy moving in the room. And then we each drew a figurative line in the sand saying we were done and took a step into our future, our next version of self.
And y’all, it was just so powerful. It was like the Universe was saying, “don’t forget these gifts you have. Don’t forget the energetic work, the embodiment work, the soul work that’s just so natural for you.”
You know, I’ve been listening back to the Enoughness Revolution lately. Mostly to reconnect to that prior version of me and any wisdom or insight she might have into this new message or invitation that’s meant to come through.
And it’s been so fascinating listening back into that body of work – all the energetic practices, the healing work, the embodiment practices. I swear it’s almost felt like 2015 & 2016 me have been speaking to current me and I’m so, so grateful I have so many of those thoughts recorded. But in re-listening and turning my ears back onto that work of like “girl, this was all you lived and breathed for years” and then having these two profound reminders this past week of that work coming more to the forefront – it’s really been a moment for me. I’m definitely taking notice of how this gets to take up more space and if it does, where does that put money?
I know it’s all starting to come together.
Wave by wave. Gem by gem. Treasure by treasure. Everything is reorganizing. As long as I keep paying attention and doing my own work of connecting the dots.
I have to say this whole brand thing is coming at such an auspicious time. Even these gems landing the week they did and me feeling like there’s been such an organic transition happening for me lately has been wild.
You know, I’ll be turning 40 in a few months, and so I feel like existentially, I’m like, “what do I want this next chapter to look like?” My husband just filed his paperwork to retire from the military last week too, so that’s like a year away. That’s gonna be a very big transition for our family. And we also had to let our last pup go, just yesterday. So I’m still feeling super tender about this, but I always knew that Omaha was going to be the resting place for both of our girls.
And so, both of them have now passed, and it’s just like all of these things are lining up on the path, right? And so I can just tell it’s not only a natural transition period for me in both my life and business, but all of these little gems are starting to collect on my own shore that the ocean just keeps on delivering, right, the way that life does.
Bringing the right people, the right experiences, the right ahas, like all of those things. And I know that it’s going to add up to something really, really powerful. And mark my words, it’ll be Ep 8 of TBD I look back on and say, “uh huh… you knew back then. You just couldn’t see it yet.” Because I know the clarity I’m looking for is already here in plain sight. I just haven’t connected the dots yet.
So, if you’re in this process of becoming or reassessing or reimagining & you don’t know how everything looks yet, right and it feels confusing, that’s because you might be trying to make sense of things that are not meant to make sense yet.
Your work, just like my work, is to just keep on gathering the gems, gathering the treasures.
And when it’s time for all of those things to come together and make sense, they will. There’s nothing that you have to do for that to happen, okay? It’s like magic. I promise. And it will likely come in like a lightning bolt, all at once (all at once in air quotes) because nothing is all at once. It’s been building the whole time 😉
What I know to be true is we will be lost & unlost over and over again to quote the brilliant Nayyirah Waheed. You’re going to be clear and unclear over and over again too. And I personally think those are two different things.
Being unclear is not the same as being lost. We’re simply waiting for clarity to form, which by the way – did you notice I shifted the outro? It used to be “here’s to the courage to keep going even when things feel uncertain” to “even when clarity is still forming”. That totally happened on accident one day. A little Freudian slip, but I love that little 1 degree shift for us.
So those have been some of my reflections this week. It’s just been such a great, expansive week of finding new gems, but also feeling so at home speaking and wanting to be in more rooms, to have more of those moments of connection that I got to have over and over again last week. I think that’s another gem too – to speak more, to share my story, to be on stage and share these frameworks. It really was such a powerful week of seeing my work through a different lens, a different sequence even.
Like my heart is still so incredibly full. It was just so good. So, so good. I would go and relive last week over and over again. I’m just so incredibly grateful for it.
So I will leave you with that, my friends. Clarity comes in waves. And waves are ever present.
My work is to do what I can to stay on shore so I can spot the gems and collect the treasures. To regulate my nervous system and call in more presence. To slow down when I need to because it’s always the right move, which is a lesson all its own I’m sure we’ll talk about soon.
Seeing you in process and all the beautiful things that are emerging. Until next time, here’s the courage to keep showing up even when clarity is still forming, knowing, trusting, believing the next right step is always on its way.
See you soon.
©️ 2024 Megan Hale, LLC. | Mailing Address: PO Box 1084, Bellevue, NE 68005